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Job Postings

job openingsPlease contact the office.
100 Franklin
Grady, NM  88120

Click on the job description link for each position below.  Please bring a Letter of Interest and Resume to the Superintendent.  The position will remain open until filled. 






Substitute Teachers

A substitute teaching license and fingerprints/background check are required. 

The daily rate is $90 w/degree and $80 without.


Cafeteria Substitutes


Fingerprints/Background check required.

Daily Rate $70


All selected applicants will also be required to undergo an electronic fingerprint/background check.  Applications will be accepted until filled.


Thank you!


District Calendar

This Week's Events

Current Weather

Current Condition: clear sky

Temperature: 61.75ËšF

Feels Like: 58.8ËšF

Wind Speeds: 11.3mph

Weather humidity: 25%

Chance of Precipitation: %

Contact Information

REC6 - Grady Municipal Schools
100 Franklin St
Grady, New Mexico 88120
Phone: 575-357-2192
Fax: 575-357-2000